Title of the article Some Aspects of Combating Crimes in the Sphere of Manufacturing and Trafficking Medicines: Problems of Timely Detection
Head of the Department of Crimes Commited by Personnel on Duty Investigation, Investigative Unit, Holosiivskyi Police Department, Main Department of National Police in Kyiv
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [96–101]
Abstract The problems of the timely exposure of crimes committed in the sphere of production and circulation of medical supplies, by the divisions of the Department of Economic Protection of the National Police of Ukraine are considered. In particular, the reasons for the lack of reliable statistics on the number of counterfeit medical supplies in circulation in Ukraine were investigated. The provision on the feasibility of introducing labeling of medical supplies to ensure their tracking from the moment of entering the market until the moment of selling in pharmacies has been substantiated.
Keywords medical supplies; pharmaceutical market; falsified or unregistered medical supplies; crime latency; drug labeling.
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